Do you want to be confident in your future, accumulate and increase capital? We will tell you how to do it.
Investing is the process of increasing one’s own funds and accumulating assets that can generate profit.

Welcome to Fast Consultations
With Fast Consultations you will learn how to invest correctly, how to work with financial
instruments, determine your risk portfolio, and draw up a financial plan. You will know where to
invest money and how it works for profit.
You will master the right tools, but how you use them is up to you.
Do you want to be confident in your future, accumulate and increase capital? We will tell you
how to do it. The choice is yours.

Build your strategy
Build your strategy of trading and make a trading plan

Analyze strategies
Analyze strategies of other traders and evaluate trading instruments

Find information
Filter news sources and find the information you need

Control risks
Calculate and control risks
Get the package for your business

Trading basics course
Technical analysis training
Fundamental analysis training
Current market research
20 online lessons
3 hours of training

Trading basics course
Technical analysis training
Fundamental analysis training
MT4 and MT5 manuals
Current market research
Access to the course library
60 online lessons
5 hours of training

Experienced trader
Trading basics course
Technical analysis training
Fundamental analysis training
Strategic trading lessons
MT4 and MT5 manuals
Current market research
Analysis of popular investment
and trading strategies
Access to the course library
100 online lessons
10 hours of training

Professional trader
Trading basics course
Technical analysis training
Fundamental analysis training
Strategic trading lessons
MT4 and MT5 manuals
Important market news
Current market research
Overview of the legal
Analysis of popular investment
and trading strategies
Access to premium training
Access to the course library
Homework evaluation
130 online lessons
20 hours of training
A wide range of training materials and courses for beginners and experienced clients
Webinars from professional traders for exploring major market events and analyzing different approaches
Market analysis
Periodic research and market analysis by leading financial experts on currency and stocks
Investment tools
Financial investment tools including an economic glossary, calendar and checklists
What Our Clients Say

Ready to Start?
FastConsultation LTD company has accumulated experience over the years of working with thousands of clients around the world. The best solutions for today are presented in our courses.

Under no circumstances should the online content provided by Fast Consultation be considered investment advice and should be used solely for educational purposes. Fast Consultation shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity, or loss of expected income, or any indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use of, or inability to use, our website or your use or reliance on any online content provided by us. The operations mentioned in our training packages may not match your investment profile and investment goals (expectations).
Oppening Hours
- Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
- Saturday-Sunday: 8am-1pm
- Sunday: Closed
Get In Touch
- Email:
- Phone: +44 7842652209